Awakened Mind Workshop Survey

This quick survey is for informational purposes only and will help us to find the best price range for everyone so they can afford to participate in our workshops. It will only take a few minutes. No information will be shared and it is completely anonymous. Thank you so much for taking the survey and we hope to see you in the near future.

Once you have completed the survey return to this page go to:

You can download a free eBooklet on the Awakened Mind and EFT on the "Like" landing page,or just click on the Scribe button, as well as sign up for free email lessons on the Awakened Mind.

the Awakened Mind Workshop

Please answer all of the following questions as accurately as possible...

1. How important is the Awakened Mind Workshop to you?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2. What price is TOO HIGH to attend the Awakened Mind Workshop? $
US dollars, please
3. How much do you usually spend to attend an Awakened Mind Workshop?
US dollars, please
I have never attended the Awakened Mind Workshop.
I have spent less than $55
$55 - $137
$138 - $276
$277 - $414
$415 - $554
Over $554
4. How unique is the Awakened Mind Workshop to you?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5. How often often have you attended an Awakened Mind Workshop?
I have never attended the Awakened Mind Workshop.
I attended once .
I attended twice.
I attended about three times.
I attended four times.
I attended more than four workshops.
I attended one or more private sessions .
6. What do you feel is a fair price for the Awakened Mind Workshop?
US dollars, please
7. Your E-mail Address

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Patent pending.

Make Your Price Sell