Awakened Mind Coaches

Gary and Donna

Donna Bach, Traditional Naturopath
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Donna Bach is a Traditional Naturopathic Practioner who comes from a family tradition of five generations of healers. She received her degree in Naturopathic Medicine in 1974 and brings over 30 years of experience to her practice of natural healing, body work, Neurofeedback-assisted meditation and other cutting-edge natural healing modalities. She is an international speaker and group facilitator who is passionate about being the inspiration to purposely create transformations in our lives. Donna is also a Sundoor certified firewalk instructor, dedicated to creating personal empowerment shifts and healing break-through's! Being an enthusiastic "7" on the Enneagram keeps her leadership fun and light!
Donna enjoys supporting the Human Awareness Institute(HAI) in creating "rooms of love" as an intern for HAI and has been a teacher of the "Awakened Mind" seminars at Esalen Institute and other locations, assisting participants to achieve the higher states of conciousness using the modern electronic brainwave (EEG) monitoring equipment called the "Mind Mirror".

Gary Groesbeck BCIAC Fellow
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Gary Groesbeck BA is certified fellow by the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America, the most highly respected biofeedback certification organization in the United States. He has taught biofeedback and neurofeedback for stress management at Columbia College for over two decades. He is currently in private practice coaching Awakened Mind Neurofeedback, and biofeedback education for pain and stress management. Over the past forty years he has studied several forms of meditation including TM and Chinese nei gung. The Awakened Mind training deepens, accelerates, and expands creativity, optimal performance, and any contemplative practice.
Both Gary and Donna are certified Awakened Mind Coaches and have worked extensively with Anna Wise as assistant trainers for the Awakened Mind at various workshops including Esalen, Palm Spring's Winter Brain Conference, Alive and Well, and numerous practitioner training workshops.
They teach a regular class in Awakened Mind development at Columbia College, and Gary teaches Awakened Mind contemplative neurofeedback as a part of the Stress Management curriculum.

Gary, Patricia Carrington, Gary Craig, and Donna At the Boston EFT Masters Conference.
We measured Brain Wave changes while Gary Craig applied EFT . We observed that EFT gradually helped to move people towards the Awakened Mind pattern as emotional issues were very rapidly released.
Gary and Donna are EFT-Advanced practitioners.